Dear reader,

     It is with hesitation that I point to the links found below.  The reason is simple, a group for inner life study must stand on its own, just as we, as individuals, must verify our development and sense of value for ourselves, not subject to thoughts and judgments of others or even ourselves prior to actual experience.

     It should be made absolutely clear that a group for inner life study is completely dependent on the honesty and sharing of those who participate.  The group has established a relationship with the legacies of Mr. Nyland and Mr. Gurdjieff as they both offer useful resources to those who wish to avail themselves of comprehensive work related to inner development but anyone can participate without assimilating any of the exterior forms of Mr. Gurdjieff’s or Mr. Nyland’s work, maintaining the integrity of one’s own influences and evolving one’s own way of seeing and discussing inner life.

     We live in a culture where much information is available at the click of a button, some of which may be accurate and useful, some perhaps not.  It is my hope that if the idea of a group for inner life study has “struck a chord”, one can begin participation absent of pre-conceived notions or prejudices, so that the group can be sensed and valued on the basis of what it is in actuality.

All and Everything – Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson – G. Gurdjieff – 1950 Edition
      If one is interested in the challenging task of reading Mr. Gurdjieff’s writings it is recommended to begin with the 1950 Edition of All and Everything – Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson.  Below are links to one source of this book in both paperback and hardcover.

Beelzebub’s Tales (paperback)  —  Beelzebub’s Tales (hardcover)


 For a thorough and authentic source of information and material concerning G. Gurdjieff

Gurdjieff International Review

An overview of a group located in Tucson, Arizona, giving insight into personal work, Mr. Gurdjieff and Mr. Nyland.

Gurdjieff Tucson Group

 The home page of W.A. Nyland Gurdjieff Groups

W.A. Nyland Gurdjieff Groups